February 8, 2025
Asian children’s dentists

Our sensitive and beautiful children deserve the best dentists available. Australia is traditionally a touch rough and ready in its approach to many things. Perhaps, it is the convict heritage, where brutalisation was a regular part of the society, but things are changing now. Going to the dentist can be a scary experience, somewhat akin to a visit to the torture chamber. All those stainless steel, sharp, pointy instruments and the dreaded electric drill evoke anxiety in many. Are Asian children’s dentists the most gentle? Well, I probably think so and answer that question in the affirmative.

Children Are More Sensitive Anyway

Researching the market online I can see this dental clinic marketing themselves as the “most gentle”. There is obviously a demand from this section of the market for a considered gentle approach on behalf of the dentist. Perhaps, we see ourselves as more sensitive members of the community and desire appropriate recognition for that. Most children are more sensitive than adults, anyway, having not been so sullied by the vicissitudes of life. Do Asian parents respect the sensitivity of their children to a greater degree than non-Asian parents? This could be a major part of the overall equation.

Marketing The Gentle Dentist

I think that we are seeing a more gentle and holistic approach from all Sydney dentists in the main anyway. Dental clinics are realising that there is marketing mileage available in positioning themselves as uniquely gentle in their approach to dentistry. Dental clinics that specifically treat the sensitive, anxious and fearful are making the most of this point of difference in the marketplace. I need a dentist with a slow hand and a loving touch (no not in that way), but rather a considerate and sensitive approach to dentistry for kids and adults.

Teeth are connected with so many nerve pathways and our mouths are such sensitive places. I have always found dental work such an invasive procedure and I try to avoid it as much as humanly possible. Of course, we must keep up our oral hygiene if we are to have healthy teeth and gums. Remember to floss if you wish to avoid plaque build-ups on gums and teeth. Make sure that you have regular dental check ups and avoid sugary foods. We need to remind our children to look after their teeth via brushing and flossing regularly. My mum used to say that there is nothing in this life as important as your teeth, maybe she was right.

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